Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The future of old media

The old media is being replaced by the new media.  We are now starting to see the traditional old media being replaced by the internet.  Newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio need to have a presence on the internet if they are to keep up with the changes that are taking place in today's world.  Some of the old media are already adapting to the changes in the world; newspapers are opening up their own blogs and TV shows are being posted online.  Old media will need to converge with the new media or it will become obsolete and will disappear like so many other outdated technologies before it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex

    I will also do my paper on the future of old media, I think it is a very important topic. New media is part of our lives and is expanding more and more, but at the same time is hurting some traditional business which are struggling to stay in business.


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