Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Advice to Baruch College

If I am hired by Baruch College, my first suggestion would be to convert more regular courses into online courses.  Online courses offer many conveniences to students, especially those who work and have a busy schedule.  In online courses students have more flexibility about when to study and do the assignments.  The technology has now also improved to the point where online classes can be as good as traditional classes.  Using Twitter, Blackboard, blogs and email, students and professors can communicate with each other.  Video lectures can be as good as traditional lectures and many people now have broadband internet access.
Another thing I would suggest is -- online course evaluations.  Instead of filling out paper forms in person at the end of each course, the students could do it by filling out a form online at the Baruch website.  It would save time for students, professors and would make it easier to compile statistical information that could be used to improve the courses such as how many students believed the course needs improvement vs. how many said it was OK the way it is.
Also, it should be a requirement for all courses to use some form of New Media or Blackboard for course material and communication because there are still some classes that don't use either one and unless you are always in class in-person and on-time, you will miss important information.

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