Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Privacy & Confidentiality in New Media

There isn't much privacy for the users of new media.  Since one of the purposes of the new media is to share information, some loss of privacy is to be expected for all who use it.  Most of the information on the internet can be very easily accessed by all internet users.  Information posted using new media tools such as Blogs or Twitter can be seen by virtually anyone.  Social networking sites such as Facebook track your every activity on their sites and post it for everyone to see.  These sites also contain a lot of personal information on their users.  You can see what's happening in their personal lives and pretty much everything else you want to know about a person.  Social networking sites have some privacy options but it is easy to go around them.  There are people who dont even use the privacy options or don't know that they're there.
In Facebook, for example, you can limit what others can see in your profile but once you become friends with them, they can see everything.  It is fairly easy to become friends with most people on Facebook and all of the information posted in your profile is certainly accessible to those who run Facebook.  The bottom line is, whatever is posted on the internet can be potentially seen by anyone and can be used by them for any purpose.

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